Japanese to English Translation
© Photo by Mimi Okabe (Kyoto, Japan)
© Image provided through Unsplash by Jezael Melgoza @jezael
JAPAN 439|Winter 2021 (Online)
For syllabus and reading list, please contact tokabe@ualberta.ca
This task-based course offers students with prior experience in Japanese-English translation the opportunity to further develop their translation skills by applying them to various (discourse) genres and Japanese texts such as pamphlets, websites, literature, scholarly articles, a video game script and more! Students’ translations are expected to involve accurate comprehension of Japanese texts, in terms of grammar, expressions, and style, and clear, precise writing in English. Students can also look forward to the opportunity to translate from Japanese to English with precision and accuracy.
JAPAN 429|Fall 2019
For syllabus and reading list, please contact tokabe@ualberta.ca
This is an introductory course in translation from Japanese into English and is designed for those who have no translation background. The main objective is to practice translation of both literary and non-literary texts. The focus of the course is placed on accurate comprehension of Japanese texts and clear and precise writing in English. Students will be engaged in individual and group projects dealing with actual translation problems.
Anonymous Student Testimonials JAPAN 429 (Selected)
Administered by the University of Alberta Universal Student Rating of Instruction (USRI):
JAPAN 439 (2021)
I'm glad that the instructor brought a lot of enthusiasm into the subject matter and into the course, especially during this time when students were getting weary of online learning. I really enjoyed the guest lectures from people of different backgrounds working in translation in a variety of fields. It allowed us to see how translation is a varied field.
Mimi sensei was always very friendly and cheerful during our meetings. I really appreciate all the efforts she has put into the course, and I really learned a lot from her. Thank you!
Great teacher who is incredibly understanding, and focused on student's growth
JAPAN 429 (2020)
“Mimi was an awesome instructor with respect to students. I had such a meaningful time in this course.”
“Class materials covered different themes and sources not only from novels or articles but also advertisement, song lyrics, YouTube, TV series, anime subtitle etc, and it was wonderful. The class atmosphere was cooperative, and group workshops were good opportunities to get a sense of my strength and weakness.”
“Mimi’s precise feedback on assignments and group presentations were helpful and motivating.”