I have a lot to reflect on at the end of 2022. All I can say for now is that, although it took a very long time, going into 2023, I learned to value my time, myself, and my safety. I’m still learning to undo my Sherlockian work ethic and be more of, shall I dare say, a Watsonian type, but I suppose that whatever life has to offer should always be enjoyed in moderation. (But I’m still a Sherlockian at heart).
Chibi Mimi Holmes © luckybunnypaper, 2022.
This year was a hectic year with some major disappointments, but without failure, how can anyone achieve to evolve into the best versions of themselves? For the very first time, a chapter I submitted for publication was rejected (I learned that this is quite normal, but not many academics speak openly about it. In a separate blog, I’ll give my two cents about what you can do after a rejected paper because, tbh, the opportunities are rather endless). In addition, I consequently let many friends and family members down, throughout 2022, by not attending their private events—all because I prioritized my work, my business, projects, publications, research and academic life in general. Then later this year, in late November, I was informed that a cousin in Japan passed away from cancer…I regret not visiting Japan sooner. Why didn’t I go when the so-called travel ban was lifted… Was all the work I had done worth it? My cousin was a “big brother” type. I remember how he shielded my siblings and me from seeing a kiss scene that occurred in a commercial for the Pirates of the Caribbean broadcast in Japan, saying, “you’re too young for that,” even though I was in my late teens. I remember he always made us laugh. He drove us to my grandparents’ home all the way from Fukushima to Miyagi. He was so giving and caring. He loved beer, and he liked きゅうりの漬物 (pickled cucumbers), especially the ones that my grandma and grandpa made from their garden. He was a father and husband. He was so polite and full of love, laughter, and life.
Despite the downs, I had so many uplifting moments. I visited my friends in Alberta for the sheer purpose of having fun and eating yummy Japanese food for a change, which was unexpected but totally worth it.
Also, thanks to the immense support of my colleague, Dr. Rachael Hutchinson, my very first monograph will be published in July 2023 with Bloomsbury titled Manga, Murder and Mystery!!! I also make a few nods to the Sherlockian communities that I belonged/belong to, so please check it out if you can. This book is for academics, fans and general readers of detective manga and/or for those who want to learn about the boy detective tradition in Japanese comics—I highly recommend it! (Of course).
I’m also working behind the scenes to produce some stickers in collaboration with @luckybunnypaper, who designed the cover art for my book and has also made chibi-Sherlockian versions of me in the past. I hope to use these for the launch of my book in the future, so please stay tuned! I’ve been so blessed this year to have friends who are so talented and full of support. Thank you, Priscilla!
Many great things happened through our co-founded business at Japanese for Nikkei. From completing the curriculum for part 1 of the beginner series; to having new speakers give a guest lecture about native speakerism; and publishing our 2nd online zine called Nikkei Monogatari. Of course, all of this would have been impossible without my osananajimi (childhood friend) and business partner, Sachi! (大好き).
Finally, although I was appointed clinical assistant professor of Japanese Cultural Studies at the University of Buffalo (back in June 2022), I’m so excited to finally meet my students in person and to teach courses that I want to develop in my areas of interest and expertise! I survived treacherous, frigid temperatures in Edmonton, so I think I can survive winter in Buffalo(?). [Edmontonians, what do you think?!]
For those who have been left feeling a bit sad or unaccomplished in 2022, I promise that 2023 will be better as long as you hold your head up high and make small commitments to improving yourself every day. I learned this year that life can be very unfair, but at the end of the day, you ultimately have the choice to be happy or be the victim of your own unhappiness. It takes a lot of courage, maybe even financial risk, or distancing yourself from a certain person, family member or friend, but I believe there’s nothing you can’t do, regardless of all the negative noise out there. Focus your energy on and for yourself, because you, finally, deserve all the time, love and attention in the world.
May 2023 be an awesome year full of success!